FAQ - Quick Swap

With our Quick Swap tool you can exchange your tokens within BSC, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism or Ethereum networks at the best rates, fast and anonymously. No registration, no KYC. You deal with the liquidity pool's smart contract directly, no middleman, no human interaction. In BSC, Polygon and Ethereum networks the 100% censorship resistance is guaranteed. Connect your Metamask and receive your tokens in seconds.

Quick Swap does not support cross-chain swaps, however you can easily swap or bridge your tokens from and into all the major networks with the Exchange Aggregator

Native currencies cannot be used by the liquidity pool directly, so they have their wrapped version in each network. For example WETH for ETH in the Ethereum network, WBNB for BNB in the Binance Smart Chain and WMATIC for MATIC in Polygon. The Quick Swap tool automatically wraps or unwraps tokens, you don't need to do it manually.

In case if you want to wrap or unwrap your tokens for any other purpose, you can easily do it in the Quick Swap tool by selecting the corresponding pair.

Quick Swap currently supports BSC, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism and Ethereum networks. We guarantee 100% censorship resistant transactions in BSC, Polygon and Ethereum networks. Since you deal with the liquidity pools directly, without any form of human interaction, nobody can seize your money or put your funds on hold. Although all these three networks offer the same level of privacy, we do not recommend using the Ethereum network, due to the extremely high gas prices. Ethereum network fees are in the magnitude of 100x higher, compared to other network fees, imposing a toll of $10-50 on each transaction. After all, we recommend trading in the BSC and Polygon networks as these two offer the lowest fees combined with the same level of safety as Ethereum has.

If you decide to bridge your funds into the BSC or Polygon networks, you can easily do it by using the Exchange Aggregator, that accommodates cross-chain transactions.

Many currencies have no lower limits for the exchange, while others require a minimum amount around the equivalent of $1. We do not recommend trading with less than $2, as very low amounts may cause the transaction to fail. There is no upper limit on trades. Please keep it in mind however, that the liquidity pools are based on the A x B = k formula, so if you purchase a high amount of a token at once, it will temporarily drive up the rates in the given liquidity pool, until somebody purchases the other currency.

Blockchain operations are irreversible. If the funds are sent, the transaction cannot be cancelled by anyone. Therefore, carefully check all the transaction details before sending your funds.

It does not happen often, but transactions may fail. The most likely reason is that the gas limit in your Metamask is set too low, and you did not send enough gas to complete the exchange. To fix it, you may try to slightly increase the gas fee limit in your Metamask before approving the transaction. Please note, increasing the gas fee limit will NOT increase the gas costs of the trade. On completion of the transaction you will be charged the actual gas fee only, NOT the gas limit. A less frequent reason for transaction failure is that the network is too busy, or the amount you want to exchange is too low.

Generally, the lowest gas fees and the least traffic typically occur at late night in the American Continent and during early morning hours in Europe.

In case if a transaction fails, the funds you were trying to exchange are NOT charged from your wallet. However, the gas fees are still deducted. Gas fees are not collected by us but by the network miners, who confirm each transaction.

Before finalizing a deal, you will see the expenses of the trade. The Transaction fee is typically 0.4%. Some currencies have a base fee, the equivalent of approximately $0.25. The gas fee limit is shown in your Metamask before finalizing the trade. The actual gas fee you pay is usually much lower than the gas limit. On completion of the transaction you will be charged the actual gas fee only, NOT the gas limit.

If you exchange a native currency, (ETH in the Ethereum network, BNB in the Binance Smart Chain, MATIC in Polygon network), the trade is authorized in one step, and the gas fee limit will be displayed before submitting the deal.

If you exchange a non-native currency, (eg. USDC, USDT, DAI etc.), the authorization has two steps. First, you need to approve the transfer of the funds, then in the next step you will authorize the exchange itself. In both steps, the gas fee limits will be displayed upfront.

Once you approve the exchange, the funds are transferred into your wallet within a few seconds. You will also see a confirmation message with a link to the block explorer to verify the transaction details.

If you purchase a new token you never had before, you also need to import the new token, to see it in your Metamask.

You need a Metamask wallet extension for your browser. All the major browsers have their Metamask plugin. For mobile devices you need a kiwi browser with Metamask extension.

Before finalizing a deal, in the Transaction details window, beside the token's name you may see two types of small icons. The first one is an ⓘ symbol. If you click on that, you can see the token information page on the block explorer.

The second symbol Ⓡ is for routing information. If you see that, it means that the exchange goes through one or two intermediary swaps in order to get a better final rate. By clicking on the Ⓡ symbol, you can see the intermediary token info in the block explorer. Using intermediary swaps may result in slightly higher gas fees, that do not influence the profitability of the trade, except for the Ethereum network, where the gas fees are about 100 times higher than in other networks.