FAQ - Custom Tokens

Send us a short message in English language by clicking here. Let us know the name of your token, the symbol and the amount of pre-minted tokens. Pre-minting tokens is optional, since every time you sell tokens, they are minted at the time of the sale, so you don't need to have tokens in your wallet.

Additional info: in order your request be processed, you will need to pay $195 + $5 gas fee in USDT or USDC BEP20 (Binance Smart Chain) token. If you have other cryptocurrencies, you can covert them on our Main Exchange Page. The smart contract of your new token will be deployed in the Binance Smart Chain within 1-3 business days from the receipt of the payment. The $195 + $5 gas fee includes the cost of creating your token, the first year's basic administration fee and the token salesbox only. Additional services you request are payable separately.

Although blockchain development is very expensive, you can still have your own custom token for a nominal fee of $195 + $5 gas cost. In order to cover our expenses, we will charge a 10% commission on your token sales. In addition to that, we reserve the right to mint tokens for ourselves, this amount is equal to 10% of the highest ever token supply, but at least 10,000 tokens.

After you order your token, the basic administration expenses are covered for one year. If you wish to renew after that, the cost is $100 per year. If your account expires, you can keep and transfer your own tokens, but the ICO salesbox and the other functions are not available. You can reinstate your expired account at any time.

Additional services are to be paid separately. They cost $100 + $5 gas fee per service. Additional services include
- changing reseller's commission
- mint tokens
- burn tokens
- changing your token wallet address
- pause contract
- unpause contract

ICO stands for Initial Coin Offering. Basically, this is your public token sales event after the new token is deployed. Once we create your token, you will be sent a link, where you can create the ICO toolbox. There are different templates to choose from: they are easy to use. Setting up your toolbox takes about one minute. You generate the code, paste it into the html code of your website, or just share the link. Please take a look at these sample toolboxes by clicking here.

You can use an unlimited number of resellers during your token sale. Your resellers embed your sales toolbox in their website, and they will receive commission while selling your token. If you know your reseller's wallet address, you can create the toolbox for them. Alternatively, you send them a link to the code generator, they will enter their wallet address and generate the code that they paste in their website.

Please let us know if you plan to use any resellers BEFORE creating your token. We will set up the reseller's commission rate for free. However, after your token is deployed, changing the reseller's commission will cost you $100.

You can resize the toolbox by editing the generated embed code in a text editor.
These three lines of code determine the width of your toolbox in mobile portrait, landscape and desktop view respectively:
#icobox {width:100%;}

The height of the toolbox is set by this code:
This one occurs twice. The first is for all mobile devices, the second for desktop computers.
It is a good idea testing your code on all three types of devices, if you resize your toolbox.