AML Policy

AML Policy* is the set of rules to prevent the Company’s services from being used for the purposes of money laundering, terrorist financing or any other criminal activities. KYC (Know Your Customer) measures are part of the AML Policy. The objective of KYC measures is to enable DEX Doctors to know their customers and be able to mitigate the above mentioned risks.

Customers can typically exchange cryptocurrencies without going through a KYC verification check. In certain rare cases however, if your wallet is blacklisted by the liquidity providers or the transaction is considered suspicious, our exchange partners may ask you to participate in KYC check. As we deal with more than 18 cryptocurrency exchanges, the KYC verification policy and the procedure may be slightly different by each partner, depending on which service provider's offer you have accepted. In case if you were spotted for verification by the safety algorithm of the given cryptocurrency exchange, you will be asked to provide certain types of identification documents and / or poof of the fund's ownership. Typically, the KYC check is performed by a third party company specialized in customer verification, such as SumSub. Once again, we do NOT verify our customer's identity and don't gather any kind of customer information, but it may be required by the exchange provider, in a rare case if your transaction was tagged as suspicious activity.

If you are asked to participate in KYC check, you will be required to pass the verification in order to complete the trade. You may also refuse to go through the KYC check, and request a refund. In this case certain expenses may occur, charged by the exchange provider. The refund policy depends on the exchange whose offer you accepted.

* Please note our AML Policy applies to the regular exchange services only. The AML rules are not applicable to Quick Swap, which is a fully automated service, operating without any human interaction.